Build a Website for Beginners: Step-by-Step Guide to Get Started

This article is about how to Build a Website for Beginners: Step-by-Step Guide to Get Started

Are you looking to start blogging, build your own website from scratch, or build an online presence, but don’t know where to start?



Unlock the Secrets Behind Launching Your Own Successful Website Now


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This is a Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking to build your own website from scratch but don’t know where to start?

You’ve come to the right place!

This guide will take you through each step of building a website, from deciding on its goal and choosing a website builder, all the way up to adding relevant pages.

By following this comprehensive guide, you can have your very own website up and running in no time.

Let’s get started!

What if I said to you that there is a way you can learn how to build a free website, and use it to write and talk about absolutely anything that you are passionate about, would that interest you?

Imagine all the possibilities you could do with your own website?

Including many ways of making money which I will get to soon, so keep reading and all will be revealed.

Building your website does not have to be all about making money.

You could use it to share your photos, knowledge, and experience, show people your videos, even use it as a forum to talk to others, and use it to advertise another business you already have.

What if I said you could build the shell of the entire website, not the content, but the whole framework in less than a few minutes. Would you believe it if I say you can do this?

Well, get yourself ready for this free opportunity that will allow you to do just that and a lot more!

“Build Your Dream Website in Minutes with a Free Website Builder!”

The Site Rubix WordPress builder is a free, easy-to-use platform that enables you to create your own website or blog in minutes.

It’s designed for anyone who wants to start working online and reach out to a new audience.

The user-friendly interface makes it simple for even first-time web developers to quickly build their site with minimal effort.

Using the Site Rubix WordPress builder, users can customize their websites using various themes, plugins and widgets so they can make them look exactly how they want them to be.

With this tool, users can also add features such as e-commerce stores, contact forms and search engine optimization tools which help optimize the visibility of their sites on search engines like Google or Bing.

Additionally, the tool also provides hosting services at no additional cost so users don’t have to worry about finding an external host for their site.

Overall, the Site Rubix WordPress builder is an excellent resource for anyone looking to start working online by creating a website or blog in just minutes without any prior coding knowledge needed.

It’s free and easy enough that even beginners will be able to get up and running within minutes!

Working Online using the free Site Rubix WordPress builder is where you will find an exclusive training community of like-minded business people who own and use the WordPress website builder.

A mastermind group you could call them.

This group of people is unbeatable for anyone who is looking to learn and correctly build a website for their own personal use or for monetary gains. This is where I learned to build this football website you are on today!

You will find that everything within this community is made easy for you so that it does not matter if you are a complete beginner or a master tech guru.

There is no age discrimination if you want to work online, anyone can do it.

The ages of people using the website builder range from teenagers to those over 70’s.

They all started with the same thought build a website for their own purposes and turn it into whatever they like.

Type into a search engine like google about anything that interests you and what appears on your screen?

A list of websites from gadgets to health and fitness, travel, and cars. The list is endless and there is always room for one more.

Now ask yourself where did they all begin?

The same place you are now!

If your intention is to make money with your website then that is absolutely fine.

The sky is the limit, some websites make a small amount and some make millions. Just take a look at sites like Amazon or Apple, just two examples of this.

The simple technique they used to make money is described below

How cool would it be to be earning over £1000 a month just by writing about something you have an interest in?

I am writing and talking about the game of football that’s my interest, so you could write about anything?

Think about how much you could accomplish with some basic knowledge, a website, and the correct training that you have built from scratch.

That is why I say “the sky really is the limit”.

With more knowledge, you might even think about building websites for others.

Don’t Be Intimidated – It’s Easier Than You Think To Build a Website For Free!

Building your own website can seem intimidating, but it’s actually easier than you might think.

With the right tools and resources, anyone can create a professional-looking website for free.

Whether you’re looking to start a blog or build an online store, there are plenty of options available that won’t cost you anything.

The first thing to do is decide what kind of website you want to create.

Do some research into popular platforms and services like WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, and Blogger

– each offers different features and capabilities so consider which one best suits your needs before getting started. Once you’ve decided on a platform or service, set up an account with them (most offer free accounts).

This will give you access to their templates and other design tools that make creating websites easy even for beginners.

Once your account is set up, it’s time to customize your site with images, text content, and any other elements necessary for its purpose (like e-commerce features if needed).

Most services provide easy-to-use editors that let users drag and drop elements onto the page in order to customize their sites quickly without having any coding knowledge whatsoever.

Finally, once everything has been added according to your specifications it’s time to launch the site!

Many platforms allow users to publish their sites directly from within the editor while others may require manual uploading of files through FTP software such as FileZilla or Cyberduck (both are completely free).

After this step is complete all that’s left is promoting the site by linking it on social media channels or submitting it to search engine directories so people can find it more easily online!

Creating a website doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated – just follow these steps and soon enough you’ll have created something unique without breaking the bank!

Get Started Quickly: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Your First Website

Join an online community to get started today.  

Within the online world a thriving community, this mastermind, are all working together training, earning, and learning, providing support for one another to make the online business world a massive success.

Do you fancy joining them?

This community online can help you do just that plus give you all the training you need to make your journey into the online business world success.

The best thing is you get the first 10 lessons and two websites totally free!

Where else would you find all of this for free?

The name of the place is Wealthy Affiliate.

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Don’t let the name misguide you because it sounds like a get-rich-quick scheme, because thankfully as I have found Wealth Affiliate is most certainly not.

The truth is if you are wanting to learn and build a website with intentions of making enough money to live on and have continued success then you better be prepared to get your head down and work your socks off.

Take Action now

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It really is that easy for you.

Besides that, there are hundreds of published tutorials and more advanced training that members of the community are able to access and use at their own pace.

This is a learning community online with like-minded business people who are always building, earning, learning, and sharing their knowledge therefore everyone can have a shot at success.

Own a piece of online real estate, a website…make yourself rich!

As I mentioned earlier, if your intention is to make money with your website then the number of ways you can do this is endless, far too many to list them all here.

These are just a few that can be done and are being used by members here at Wealthy Affiliate.

•Offer keyword research and search engine optimizer( SEO) techniques for other website owners, this is taught to all WA members

•Sell advertising space and write reviews for other companies

•Promote within affiliate marketing using Amazon Apple, eBay, and many other familiar big names by writing about products that these companies sell

•Build websites for other people. As a premium member at WA, you can build up to 10 websites for the same price as 1

•All Wealthy Affiliate members are taught by WA how to write content that gets the highest rankings in google so you can offer services for others offering to write for them

You will be surprised and amazed at how simple it is to do all these things and apply them to your website.

It all starts with building your website then thanks to the easy-to-follow and simple training, as well the most helpful community within wealthy affiliates.

I do many of these things myself and it’s all thanks to this place called Wealth affiliate.

You can too!

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Here is wealthy affiliate lesson number two

As a free starter, you get 10 free lessons and here I am going to give you free access to one of the ten lessons.

All lessons are video and text tutorials.

This will show you what all the training is like and you never know you may even learn something new. Go ahead and read through the training then watch the video.

Online Entrepreneur Certification – Level 1: Lesson 2 of 10 – Understanding How to Make Money Online.

Take Action

Start this lesson now

>> Go to see the lesson here<<

You may find many reasons for you to build a website but the most important thing you will gain is an online education that is second to none.

Once you empower yourself with being able to learn keyword research, basic SEO, and content creation, the knowledge you will gain will benefit you for life even if you quit WA but once you start you will find you will not want to quit.

I didn’t because there is so much to learn and investing in yourself through education is vital in whatever you do in life.

The more you learn the more chance you have of success in the future. Within the first month of joining as a free starter, I became a paid premier member as I saw the huge potential on offer.

Read my review to find out more about  Wealthy Affiliate here 

This was the best decision I ever made as I have learned more than I ever thought possible and this has allowed me to become an expert in SEO, keywords, and gaining first-page google rankings, where internet traffic now flows into my website daily.

Within 6 months of starting as a paid member, I soon realized that the cost is so low compared to the supreme knowledge I have gained working online thanks to Wealthy Affiliate.

“Unlock the Potential of Your Business with a Professional Website – Build It Now!”

Use the Site Rubix widget below to see if a website name is available for you to build your website at wealthy affiliate.

Take a moment to think about what your website name would be?

If it was about fitness & being healthy try something like (healthy living) then just type it in.

See if it is available.

Why not create a free WA account and start learning how to build your new website and get your online education underway.

Build a website about football or anything else you are passionate about here.

Just enter your website name below and get going.

Just enter your website name below and get going. Try it now!

Take Action now

Build your own website >> Go Here<<

The definition of Opportunity – is a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.

This could be your time and set of circumstances! The opportunity is waiting for you to take action.

I look forward to welcoming you to the WA online family soon. I took a chance to make my dreams come true…SO CAN YOU. Good luck.


Can I teach myself to build a website?

Yes, you can teach yourself to build a website. Building a website does not require any specialized knowledge or skills and anyone with basic computer literacy can do it.

The process of building your own website is fairly simple and straightforward, but there are some key steps that must be followed in order to ensure success.

The first step in teaching yourself how to build a website is understanding the fundamentals of web design. This includes learning about HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), as these are two languages used for creating websites.

Knowing how these two languages interact with each other will give you an advantage when designing your site’s layout and content structure.

Additionally, familiarizing yourself with popular web hosting services such as GoDaddy or HostGator will help you choose the right platform for your site’s needs.

Once you have become comfortable with the basics of web development, it’s time to start planning out what kind of website you want to create.

Think about who your target audience is going to be, what type of information they should expect from visiting your site, and what features would make their experience more enjoyable while browsing through it.

Once this has been established, then comes the actual construction phase where all those ideas need implementation into code that makes up the framework for the entire project

– this includes writing HTML/CSS code along with incorporating JavaScript libraries if desired for additional functionality on top of static pages made up solely by HTML/CSS alone..

When developing a website from scratch using just coding tools like Notepad++ or Sublime Text 3 (which are both free applications) one should also consider using frameworks such as Bootstrap or Foundation which offer pre-built components that simplify styling elements on various devices sizes without having to write long lines over again every single time; thus providing faster development times overall than doing everything manually from ground zero level every single time.

Lastly, once all this hard work has been put together into something tangible; don’t forget testing! Whether its compatibility across different browsers & operating systems or simply checking if page links actually take visitors somewhere else within the same domain name

– making sure everything works correctly will save headaches down the road later on so never skimp out during the testing phase either before launching the final product online publicly available worldwide Web!


How do I create a free website for beginners?

Creating a free website for beginners is easier than ever before.

With the right tools and resources, anyone can create a professional-looking website in no time at all.

Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Choose your platform: There are several different platforms available that make it easy to create a free website without any coding knowledge or design experience.

Popular options include

WordPress, Wix, Weebly, Squarespace, and Blogger – each of which offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that makes creating your site simple and straightforward.

2. Select a domain name:

Once you’ve chosen your platform, it’s time to select a domain name for your site (e.g.,

Most platforms offer basic domains as part of their packages but if you want something more unique then there are plenty of third-party registrars out there who will help with registration at an additional cost.

3. Design the look and feel of your site: This is where the fun begins!

You can choose from pre-made templates or customize everything from font size/style to color scheme on most modern platforms so that it reflects the personality of your brand or product perfectly.

Additionally, many platforms offer “widgets” such as contact forms and galleries which allow for further customization without needing any technical know-how!

4 . Add content: Now it’s time to add content – this could be anything from text articles, images, videos, etc depending on what type of website you’re trying to build.

If you’re using WordPress then plugins like Yoast SEO will help ensure that all content is optimized correctly for search engines too!

5 . Publish & Promote: Finally once everything looks good it,s time to publish & promote!

Depending on how much control over marketing & promotion channels you need, there may be additional costs involved here – however, most modern web development tools come with integrated analytics functions so tracking success should be relatively easy. regardless.

Creating a free website doesn’t have to be difficult – by following these steps above even complete beginners should find themselves up & running in no time! 



Can I build a website with no experience?

Yes, it is possible to build a website with no experience.

There are many ways to go about doing this, such as using an online website builder or web design software.

Website builders allow users to

create websites quickly and easily without needing any coding knowledge or technical skills.

They offer a variety of tools and features that make creating a website simple for beginners.

Alternatively, web design software allows more experienced users to customize their sites by writing code in


Both of these options can be used to create professional-looking websites with no prior experience necessary.


What is the easiest way to build a simple website?

The easiest way to build a simple website is by using a website builder.

Website builders are easy-to-use tools that allow you to create and design your own website without any prior coding or web development experience.

Most modern website builders come with drag-and-drop features, allowing

you can quickly customize the look and feel of your site.

Many also include customizable templates, so you don’t have to start from scratch when designing your page layouts.

Once you’re finished building out your pages, all major web hosting providers offer one-click installation for popular

content management systems (CMS), such as WordPress, which can be used to further enhance the

functionality of your site.


Can a normal person make a website?

Yes, a normal person can make a website.

There are many ways to create a website, from using an online platform such as Wix or Squarespace, to learning HTML and CSS coding.

Depending on your level of comfort with technology and design, you may find that one method is easier than another.

In general, the more control you want over your website’s design and functionality, the more technical knowledge you will need in order to succeed.

If you have no experience with coding or web development tools like WordPress or Dreamweaver, then it might be best for you to use an online platform that simplifies the process of creating websites by providing templates and drag-and-drop features.

On the other hand, if you’re comfortable with coding languages like HTML/CSS or JavaScript then building your own site from scratch may be much easier for you as this allows greater flexibility when customizing designs and adding features.

Whichever route you decide to take in making your website there are plenty of tutorials available online which can help guide beginners through every step of the process.



Is starting a website worth it?

Starting a website can be a great way to express yourself, promote your business, or simply have fun.

But is it really worth the effort?

The answer depends on what you plan to do with your website and how much time and energy you’re willing to invest in it.

If you’re looking for an easy way to quickly generate money from your site, then starting a website probably isn’t the best option for you.

It takes time and dedication to build up traffic, create content that people want to read, and monetize your site through advertising or other means.

However, if you’re looking for an outlet that allows you creative freedom while also potentially generating income down the line (with hard work), then absolutely – starting a website can be worth it!

For starters, having a personal website gives you control over how others perceive and interact with your brand or message.

You get a complete say over design elements like layout, fonts/colors used throughout the site as well as any additional features such as contact forms or online stores.

Additionally, setting up shop online makes it easier than ever before to reach potential customers around the world which could result in more

sales opportunities than relying solely on traditional methods of promotion such as word-of-mouth

marketing or print advertisements.

A website also offers many advantages when compared to social media accounts alone; there are no character limits so communicating complex topics becomes easier plus users aren’t subjected to ad placement within their feed unless they choose otherwise (unlike platforms like Facebook).

Plus unlike other web hosting services such as Wix & Squarespace where template designs may limit customization options available –

building out & managing everything from scratch gives greater flexibility in terms of design choices made along

with allowing full ownership rights over all content created thus giving more control over the future direction taken by said project(s).

At its core though; having an independent space on the internet allows us access to something bigger than ourselves – offering our original ideas & stories without fear of judgment or censorship from outside forces.

And who knows?

Maybe one day these same sites we make today will become something much larger than we ever imagined tomorrow!

So why not give it a shot?

If nothing else – At least this journey has given us some good memories along the way 🙂


Build your own website >> Go Here<<


Does owning a website make money?

Owning a website can be a great way to make money, but it is not always easy.

It takes time and effort to build up a successful website that generates enough income to cover the costs of running it.

You will need to have some technical knowledge and an understanding of web design, marketing, and SEO in order to succeed.

Additionally, you may need help from other professionals such as writers, graphic designers, or developers if your site requires more complex features than just basic HTML coding.

Once you have built your website and established yourself as an authority in your chosen niche market then you can start monetizing it through various methods including advertising revenue, affiliate programs, digital products (ebooks/courses), services (consultations/tutoring), donations, etc.

It’s important that whatever method(s) you choose are aligned with the goals and values of both you and your audience so they feel comfortable engaging with them.

Overall owning a website has the potential for significant financial rewards if done correctly; however, there is no guarantee of success so careful planning before launching is essential for those looking to make money online through their own websites!



How can a beginner make money online?

Making money online is becoming increasingly popular and can be a great way for beginners to

make some extra cash.

There are many ways to do this, from taking on freelance jobs to creating an eCommerce store.

No matter what your skill level or experience may be, there are plenty of opportunities available that you can take advantage of in order to start making money online.

One way to make money online is by doing freelance work.

If you have any skills such as writing, graphic design, web development, or data entry then you should consider signing up with sites like Upwork and Fiverr where you can find clients who need these services and get paid for your work.

You could also offer other services such as virtual assistant tasks or social media management through these platforms if those are more up your alley.



It’s important to remember that while freelancing isn’t always the highest-paying job out there, it does give you the flexibility of being able to set your own hours and work from home so it’s definitely worth considering!

Another option for beginners looking to make money online is affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services from another company in exchange for a commission when someone makes a purchase through one of your links or ads – basically acting as an intermediary between businesses and customers.

Many companies have affiliate programs which means all you need to do is sign up with them, and promote their product/services via blogs or social media posts (which will include specific

tracking links) then wait for the commission’s roll in when people click through on those links and

buy something!

This type of income stream requires little investment upfront but has potential long-term rewards if done correctly so it’s certainly worth exploring further if interested.

Finally, setting up an eCommerce store can be another great way for beginners looking into making money online quickly without much effort required upfront aside from choosing what products they want to sell – this could range anywhere from physical goods like clothing items & accessories right down to digital downloads such as artwork & music files, etc.

Once everything has been set up properly using platforms like Shopify & WooCommerce all that needs to be done next is to ensure proper promotion

takes place across various channels including search engine optimization (SEO), email campaigns

etc so customers know about the store and its offerings

– once these steps have been taken care of sales should start coming in soon enough!

Overall no matter what approach anyone chooses when trying their hand at making money online there are numerous options available depending on individual preferences & skill sets;

whether it’s taking on freelance gigs with sites like Upwork/Fiverr, leveraging affiliate marketing offers, or even starting an e-commerce business

– each option provides its own unique benefits along with new challenges but ultimately gives everyone involved the opportunity to earn some extra cash over time if done right!.



Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Professional Website from Scratch

Decide on the Goal of Your Website:

The first step in creating any kind of successful online presence is knowing what it should accomplish.

What are your goals for this site?

Are you trying to attract new customers or inform existing ones about upcoming events?

Do you want people to sign up for an email newsletter or purchase products directly from your store?

Answering these questions at the outset will help ensure that everything else fits together correctly as part of one cohesive plan.

Once you have decided upon a goal (or set of goals) for your website, move on to the next step!


Choose a Website Builder:


When it comes time to actually create and design your site, there are many options available depending on how much control over customization and design you desire.

For those who wish more control over their site’s look and feel than what free platforms offer, consider using tools such as WordPress or Joomla.

However, if coding isn’t something that interests you then there are also plenty WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) editing tools like Weebly or Squarespace which allow users with little technical knowledge to still be able to edit content without having access to any code whatsoever.

The choice is yours so pick whichever platform best caters to achieving the goals we discussed earlier!

Choose a Web Host:

Nowadays most hosting companies provide both domain registration services along with web hosting accounts so customers can manage all their needs under one roof.

If not already included within whatever web builder/hosting package chosen previously don’t forget to register an appropriate domain name

– ideally containing either company name itself plus some type of keyword phrase related to the industry sector being targeted by the new site.

Make sure to check availability across multiple TLDs (.com/.net/.org etc.) before committing anything long term though!.

Pick A Custom Domain Name:

Depending on whether a self-hosted solution has been opted for instead might need to select a separate provider to register a custom domain name associated new business venture otherwise could simply point existing registered domains toward server-provided host companies using them instead.

Either way, make sure to keep track of username/password details related to the account(s) used cases ever need to come back, change settings, or future date!.

 Decide On A Layout:

After deciding upon the overall purpose and mission statement behind the project now time to think about layout design elements themselves, getting into the nitty-gritty content management system structure require setting a basic framework underlying architecture going eventually built upon further down line.

Start planning out areas such as homepage blog sections contact form product listing pages

eCommerce checkout process whatever else may be needed to fulfill the primary objectives stated earlier choose a template style that suits the particular brand aesthetic image that wants to be portrayed by the public eye!

Add Relevant Pages?

Lastly, the only thing left to flesh out the actual body text is articles images videos forms graphics, etc.

Congratulations!! You’ve just completed all steps necessary to build a fully functional modern-day website from scratch beginning nothing end result looks professional informative pleasing eye hopefully achieves the intended purpose bringing increased traffic sales leads conversions general interest surrounding brand subject matter dealt with regularly updated fresh content!.


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