Stop Searching for a New Job / (Try Online Affiliate Marketing to Jumpstart Your Side Hustle Instead)

Consider online affiliate marketing instead of searching for a new job!

This Affiliate Marketing side hustle is a great way to supplement your income and can be done in conjunction with your current job.

With the right amount of effort, you could start making money from your hard work.

So why not give it a try?

You’ll have the opportunity to explore new skills and make extra cash without having to switch jobs.

Why not use your spare time, and try something new?

Start Affiliate Marketing as a side hustle, simply put as much time as you can spare, let’s say two to three hours each day, now you have opened up the doors to unlimited potential.

It’s a great way to bring in some extra cash!

It may take some dedication, but with enough hard work, you can turn this into an extremely profitable venture.

You’ll be amazed at the possibilities when you put your mind to it and start working on building up your affiliate marketing business.

So why wait any longer?

Get started for free now and see what amazing opportunities awaits!

Think of it this way…

Getting a different job will just lead you to the same problems and end results.

Overworked and underpaid with long hours, no recognition or feeling of self-worth.

Why not try a different way, use your brain, be creative, and create a passive income for yourself instead?

Forget the 9-to-5 and Try Making Money through Affiliate Marketing Instead!

Forget about looking for a new job just keep the one you have.

Yes, that’s what I said, think outside the box for a moment and do this with the job you already have.

Now you may be thinking why would I  do that when it’s just going to add more work on top of what I am already doing?

That’s very true, in the beginning, but this is the big difference… you are doing this for yourself.

Everything you earn from your efforts goes directly to you and not your boss, and you are learning some important lessons along the way like how to work and earn money for yourself.

You will also be creating a passive income for yourself if you learn to do it right.

That means the money rolls into you 24/7 without having to do any extra work. If you are consistent and work hard at it for a few years.

Then this magically happens… you can quit your job and never look for another job ever again.

You will be able to stop trading your time for money.

That is what a passive income can do for you.



Launch Your Side Hustle with Affiliate Marketing – No Job Search Required!

Hold on here is one very important question to ask.

If it’s so easy then why not just quit your job right away and do Affiliate Marketing full-time if it seems so profitable?

Wouldn’t that be easier?

In a word “NO”. If you learn to do Affiliate Marketing the right way then it takes time to build up your knowledge and to learn the key skills in how it all works.

You don’t build an empire from the top down…you build the ground roots first, and then climb to the top.

Without the right training and the correct tools, you will never know how to make any money on a consistent basis online.

Now, what if I told you that there is a place to learn affiliate marketing the right way?

For all the tools, and best training you will ever need, visit wealthy affiliate, and take a look for yourself, it’s free to start.

I hear you ask.. Matt nothing is for free, what’s the catch?

I bet you have to pay for this way of life right?

True, if you want some sort of success you will have to pay a fee to get it, the good thing here is you can look around for free inside wealthy affiliate, and decide for yourself if it’s worth it

It’s called investing in yourself

But if it’s eventually going to lead you to a passive income, then in my eyes the cost is a small price to pay to make that happen.

Remember you will probably get your money back ten times over if you get it right.

As I mentioned earlier, you can start risk-free for $0 dollars?

Does this change your mind?

That leads me back to my original point of keeping my job and doing this as a side hustle.

By keeping the job you already have a way of paying for the training and tools, that fee to pay, to get you to your perfect life.

The same principle applies if you only have a part-time or temp job.

Keep it and use it to pay for online education in the world of Affiliate Marketing.

What if I have no job?

My advice is this: get some sort of job first, get earning, you can’t pay for something else without having any money coming in first, then take up affiliate marketing as a side hustle.

Don’t Waste Time on a New Job Search – Get Started with Affiliate Marketing Now


What exactly is affiliate marketing?

It is promoting products and services for businesses online and in return, they pay you a commission.

Which businesses can you promote products and services for?

Any business online that offers an affiliate marketing program can be used.

Most of them are free to join. There are a few that you can pay for but why do this when there are an unlimited number of businesses that don’t charge you?

Examples for you to join for free are Amazon, Nike, eBay, and Walmart just to name but a few.

Think of how many people use the internet.

It’s now in the billions and they are all looking for help, services, and products to buy.

The potential is unlimited.

If you are willing to put in the hard work to claim your piece of the pie…so to speak.


Discover the Power of Affiliate Marketing and Start Earning Today!

The best place to learn and have all the tools in one place is Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s how I went from knowing nothing when I started to earn a passive income online.

Don’t believe me that wealthy affiliate works…think about it this way,  you are reading this blog on this website right!

How do you think I learned how to build it with no previous knowledge?

To Find out how I did this read my wealthy affiliate review to learn more.

Now it’s your turn to build your own digital asset.

This is the most legitimate place you can find online for learning affiliate marketing.

If you are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme then you need to forget about everything I have said and go and look for that new job.

Sorry to be so blunt but I speak from experience here.

You will need dedication, commitment, and hard work but if you have these qualities then an unlimited earning potential awaits you and it’s totally doable.

What are the Steps to success?

1:Create an account with Wealthy Affiliate – that means you are interested in changing your working & financial life.

2: Build a website at Wealthy Affiliate – it’s far easier than you think. It will take less than one minute to have the shell of your website built and ready for content. You don’t need any technical knowledge to do this.

3: Follow the training at Wealthy Affiliate- this is key- take massive action- you simply start at lesson 1 and keep going until you have completed all the lessons.

When you get to this point you will have a fully working website with unlimited free traffic flowing into your site.

4: All you need to do after that is keep blogging, learning, and building on your website with Wealthy Affiliate until you reach the goals you set for yourself.

Please remember this is not a normal job.

In essence, you are working for free while you keep building out your website.

There is no timescale for success.

It can happen in 6 months, one year, or even 3 years.

As long as you keep doing it then one day the money will roll in and that’s a game changer for anyone.

You can quit that job that has paid for your side hustle.

You can fire your boss.

You can work as and when you want to, the alarm clock doesn’t matter anymore.

The traffic jam is a thing of the past.



Why choose The Wealthy Affiliate platform?

Inside this platform, you will find everything you will need to learn how to do Affiliate marketing the right way. Plus an online working community that is best in supporting you on your way to your success.

  • 24/7 help and support
  • The best training for affiliate marketing online
  • Thousands of affiliate products to promote
  • 2 free websites with web hosting
  • An amazing community all doing what you are doing.
  • If you want to know everything else they offer with your membership and there is a lot more ..why not?

Come on in and join us…

As an EXTRA BONUS if you join through one of my links you will have me as your personal one-to-one coach to help you on your way. (check out my profile inside the wealthy affiliate platform: look for motly20)


Try Affiliate Marketing to Jumpstart Your Side Hustle – No More Job Searching Needed!

Keep your job to pay your membership?

If you want access to all the tools on the Wealthy Affiliate platform and you are serious about changing your life.

Then you will need to pay a membership fee.

Wealthy Affiliate fees are very reasonable if you consider what you are getting and the price you would have to pay elsewhere for all the tools you would need to do Affiliate Marketing.

That’s where keeping your current job comes in handy. It gives you money to pay for it.

Option 1 – monthly $49. Choose this option to pay monthly, then take it month by month to see how you get on with the premium membership.

Option 2 – yearly $349. Less than 1 dollar a day. This is the membership I use as it works out cheaper and I don’t need to think about the money side of things for one year. I get on with building out my website.

What price would you put on financial and lifestyle freedom?

If you are still not convinced then use this:

Option 3. Start for free

You don’t even need a credit card.

Yes, you don’t need money to start but with a free account, you will only get limited access to some essential tools you will need to grow and build your website.

If you want to, you can look around the platform for seven days with no obligations and zero risk.

Then decide for yourself if you think this is a legitimate way to make money and if everything I have said is true.

The only way you will truly know for sure and put your mind at rest is to take action and create your starter account today.

Join the online working world now simply go here.

Otherwise, stay in the job you are trying to get away from or find a new job.

The choice is yours.

I took action and found Wealthy Affiliate. 

You found this blog and my website.

The law of attraction working once again:)

See you on the inside at Wealthy Affiliate soon…future online money maker.

Do you have any questions about wealthy affiliate? I will be happy to answer them.

What’s holding you back from following a new path to affiliate marketing?

Please leave them in the comments below. I answer all my readers.

Cheers Matt ( your no b/s blogger!)


In this lesson, you will discover how to start blogging the right way.

**Here’s a little transparency: Our website contains affiliate links. This means if you click and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission. Don’t worry, there’s no extra cost to you. It’s a simple way you can support our mission to bring you quality blogging content.**

8 thoughts on “Stop Searching for a New Job / (Try Online Affiliate Marketing to Jumpstart Your Side Hustle Instead)”

  1. I am really interested in affiliate marketing and I have been trying to do so for more than 2 years now. But my affiliate income itself is still quite low and recently my traffic has been hit by a google update. Will the community of Wealthy affiliate help me out with this? I am so desperate to learn more about this, thank you

    • hi lizzy 

      firstly thank you for taking the time to comment on this article. good old google they do that from time to time to update things and boom we all feel it…but do not stress the community within wealthy affiliate will definitely be able to answer any questions and concerns you may have,

      Getting affiliate marketing right, and earning money online, can take time. 

      That is why you need a platform like wealthy affiliate because that has all the right tools and training to keep you going until you hit your desired results.

      When you sign up, look for my profile through the dashboard (motly20) and I will see how I can help you with any more questions you may have.

      Good luck

  2. I started affiliate marketing a few years ago, and although I am a member of the Wealthy Affiliate platform, I have become a bit disillusioned as I have still got very little income from my two blogs. I have also found recently that with changes to Google, my search performances have gone down. Do you have a time span that you can suggest to start earning a realistic amount of money that might replace a day job? How many hours a day or per week should one be working on affiliate marketing to see results? Thank you.

    • Hi linecowley. I’m sorry I hear about your struggles with affiliate marketing. Unfortunately there is no one answer for how long it’s going to take for you to get some money rolling in. The main thing you can do is to keep writing engaging blog articles, that people engage with. It’s all about how great your content is.

      Hope this answers helped you in some small way. .

      cheers Matt h

  3. Nice article here. It defines what it is that some, in fact, many people are looking for in this uncertainty world to date..Having a back-up plan, in such, affiliate marketing is a great way to add that passive income to your lifestyle, something many do not have currently as they work their 9 to 5’s. And I agree, as an affiliate marketer myself, the Wealthy Affiliate platform truly does offer an amazing platform, in fact, isn’t it rated high on Trust Pilot?

  4. A wonderful insight into the world of affiliate marketing. An important point that you made too that we should all learn is that working online can work along side a current job. It can take a few years to build up a good business and that we all have to start at the basics and learn the foundations. We have to spend money to make money and unfortunately some people see it as a get-rich-quick scheme. WA is a wonderful platform to be a part of and the journey is continuous.Thanks for sharing a great article for others to read and learn about how it all works.

    • Hi Louise thanks for the kind comments I’m glad you enjoyed this article about Wealth affiliate

      . You are so correct, it’s great fun being part of the wealthy affiliate family

      . It’s not a get rich scheme, it’s just a cool place where like minded affiliate marketers like to hang out, and learn all the ins and outs of how to work online.

      taje care 

      matt h


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