How To Get More Website Visitors / (Gain Unlimited Free Website Traffic)

How To Get More Website Visitors /  (Gain Unlimited Free Website Traffic)

One of the main questions for anyone looking to start a blog and build their own website,  is how do you get Web traffic to visit your site?

The need for Readers to have their eyes on your Website is critical to your business to growth and success.

Without people visiting your Website you can guess what will happen?

All your energy and effort, and hours upon hours of hard work will be for nothing.

You will run out of energy, building out your website, and you will most likely give up on it.

Trust me it happens more than you think.

But what if you had a way of driving free unlimited traffic to your website Daily?

Well, there is a way I am here to show you how you can do this.

How do I know this works?

How can you do exactly what I am doing?

This Website you are on now has numerous first-page rankings on Google, Bing & Yahoo.

Yes! A  simple website like this, built from zero knowledge about blogging when I started, is driving unlimited Web traffic constantly, and daily to my blog posts.

How could you get these types of results for yourself, and why is having a ranking on the first page of search engines so important?

Think about it like this, have you ever typed in something you were looking for on google, let’s take this for example…

Which is the best credit card?

What happens next?

A load of websites appears, you then read down the page and pick one with a catchy headline, click on it, and start reading.

Those results that appeared before your eyes are known as the first-page ranking in search engines.

Now ask yourself how often you click to the second page and look for more results.

I bet next to never!

The same as everyone else I guess!

So if you are not on the first page, the odds of you getting visitors to your website are slim.

But don’t despair and get discouraged, like I said I have learned how to get onto all those elusive first pages, and now I am going to show you my insider secrets, to help you achieve success.

Pro Tip… I use the best keyword tool to help me get higher rankings.

Simple as that. It’s what helps me drive traffic to my website.

Next, I will show you what a keyword research tool is, and also show you how to use it to drive web traffic constantly to your Website.

In the rest of this article, you will learn :

  • what the right keywords can do for your rankings?
  • the best keyword tool to help you reach no 1?
  • how you can spy on your competition?
  • Where to find the best training on how to use this keyword tool?

What the right keywords can do for your rankings?

As I mentioned earlier, whenever you type any words into any search engine online such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, those words that you type in are called keywords, to us online bloggers and affiliate marketers.

Those keywords you are typing into search engines are simply you looking for answers to questions and problems you want to solve.

What if there was a way for you to find out which words and terms are getting typed into the search engines?

Then what if there was a way for you to find out how many times people are looking for those words?

This is called search intent.

This will give you insider know-how on which words are getting used over and over again, with the most hits.

Bingo. This is the elusive website traffic you are looking for

Well done you have cracked the hidden secret to a keyword search, nothing more complicated than that.

If you can find the right keywords to use, that help people solve their problems, and answer their questions, you are already on your way to the top of Google.

Now you know what keywords are!

What if you could find a tool that can identify those Keywords for you at the click of a button?

With this tool plus the correct training on where and how to place those keywords into your blog, you will have an advantage over your competition in the articles you write about.

Every day online there are over 500 million new terms being searched for, so you need a tool that can offer you up-to-date accurate information about keywords, competition, and website information including domain names if you want to hit the first page on the search engine rankings.

Is there Such a tool equipped to do all this and a whole lot more?

This is the  exact tool I use, to get all these pages ranking no 1 on google, and now you can too

Next, I will show you how you can use this keyword tool to rank high on the first page of any internet search engine.

The best Keyword Tool to help you reach no 1?

The keyword tool I am talking about is called Jaaxy.

>>>Check out the jaaxy keyword tool here<<<

It is a keyword and research tool specifically designed for bloggers, and affiliate marketers who are wanting to gain traffic to their website and rank high on search engine pages. 

Time to get competitive and be the best!

Let me show you why using keywords is important to you when you want to write a blog about your chosen niche.

A large amount of what you need to do as a blogger is time-consuming when it comes to the business of writing blogs, so if you can find a way of getting ahead of your competition and find a simple and easy way to do keyword and research, then your life will be made easier.

In one of my previous articles, I showed you how to write a blog.

One of the main points of writing a blog is to get traffic from the internet to your website.

This is where keywords and research come into their own and help you out massively.

If you can find the right ones and know where to place them within your blog, you can find yourself on the first page of Google, Bing, and Yahoo, with constant hits and unlimited traffic to your website, just what you want to succeed in the online world.

With the Jaaxy keyword research tool, you are getting the most advanced way of managing everything from keywords, to competition research to boost your rankings and stay ahead of your rivals.

Don’t just take my word for it, try jaxxy for yourself.

In the next section, I will walk you through the Jaaxy keyword research tool, and show how you can use it to get unlimited free website traffic.

Jaaxy is the only tool for the job.!

With this tool, you will be able to discover all the keywords you will ever need.

Never go without visitors to your website again.

What exactly is SEO? (search engine optimizer)

  • You are trying to find a way to best optimize search engines, and how they read your website and blogs.

Where to place keywords within your article?

To get the best success from the keywords you have researched, with the jaaxy tool.

Place the same keywords that you researched, in the blog title and the first few lines of your blog post … and that’s it for keywords.

You can add one or two more throughout your article but it is not necessary. Try to keep it simple and you will see the best results.

The rest of the SEO is about looking at creating killer content for your reader to view.

Revealing hot niches made easy!

The jaaxy tool gives you a way of finding hot niches that have very little or no competition.

A niche is a subject that you want to write about and base your website around.

This tool has special platform buttons called brainstorm, affiliate searches, and alphabet soup within it, that will allow you to beat the competition with unique insight into new niches.

All the work is done for you, so you can just type in the words you want to sit back and relax.

This power tool will allow you to search for anything you like within your chosen niche and easily look for a new business idea.

#  start using the keyword research tool for free.

Time To Spy On Your Competition!

Why do you need to Spy on your competition in your chosen niche?

So that you can find out how, and why their websites are doing better than yours when it comes to rankings?

You can see what they are doing well, and take inspiration from them.

The jaaxy keyword tool will give you unique insights and useful data on your competition.

You can use this information received from Jaaxy, and check out your competitor’s content length, meta tags, how their content is structured, how many backlinks they use, where they place their adverts, and so on.

All the stuff your competition does not want you to know!

So now you know how you can get the edge over them, pretty cool right?

Don’t tell anyone about this secret from jaaxy!

Exclusive to jaaxy you will find something called Site Rank, it will allow you to monitor and track any rankings from Google, Bing, and Yahoo on any website you own.

It is a dream secret weapon for any affiliate marketer, blog writer, local marketer, or anyone using the internet who wants to track how their website is doing.

You can see any ups and downs of your website.

You will be notified on Jaaxy when achieving any ranking within Google, Bing, and yahoo.

I can just see that big smile across your face when you achieve that 1st-page ranking:)

Pro-tip to make extra bags of money: 

Have you ever thought about owning a domain name, which is simply the name of your website?

With the jaaxy keyword research tool, you can search for hundreds of Domain names.

All with low competition, and once you own any of them no one else can own the same domain name.

If you manage to find a hot domain name it can be worth thousands of or even millions of dollars.

Don’t believe me, how much do you think is worth?

Ok so you now realize that the Jaaxy tool can really help you out, but you may be thinking great but I  have no idea where to start with it, or precisely how to use it correctly.

This is where I come in to show you what to do first.

You will need to find the right training and know-how on how to do affiliate marketing, including using keywords.

Without the right knowledge, and a base to start from, you can never get where you want to go.

Remember we all had to start from the beginning no one was born a blogger or affiliate marketer.

I will now show you where you can get the Jaxxy keyword tool, which is included for free, together with the best Affiliate Marketing training online.

How can I be so confident it is the best training?

Just look at this website you are on, it was built from scratch by me, with no previous knowledge to start with this training, and now you can do the same too.

Where to find the best training on how to use this keyword tool?

You can find this amazing Jaaxy tool-free within the training platform at Wealthy Affiliate.

I use wealth affiliate to send all my blogs on my website to the top of the rankings in Google, Bing, and Yahoo, giving me free unlimited traffic to my website.

Sign up here today for free today.

At wealth affiliate, you will learn the a to z of affiliate marketing and blogging.

It works if you follow the training from lesson 1, and then take action on what those lessons teach you.

Don’t let your competition online dictate the play to you, get control, and get ahead of your competition.

Have you ever used the Jaaxy keyword tool to help you online with your research?

What is holding you back from starting your own blog website?

Pls, leave me an answer to these questions in the message box below.

“This post may contain affiliate links which help my website run smoothly, at no extra cost to you, please see my privacy page for more information”

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