How Can I Get Free Traffic To My Website And Understanding Seo For Beginners

How Can I Get Free Traffic To My Website And Understanding Seo For Beginners?

I will be focusing on how to get free traffic to your website so that your blog can grow and become better.

To help out those looking to push their website to the top of Google, Bing & Yahoo search engine rankings.

If you’re focused on driving the best free traffic and growing your audience through blogging or YouTube then you  need to take SEO seriously!

Can you afford to ignore SEO?

What if you could find a way to send any piece of content you write, or a YouTube video you make, onto the first page on Google or Bing?

Imagine how much free traffic could be flowing your way.

Well, there is a way… by finding and using low competition, and long tail keywords.

With the right training, anyone can learn to do this.

So that means that anyone, including you, can start your own blogging website and drive free traffic to your affiliate marketing links, and potentially earn affiliate commissions.

Pretty cool right?

SEO is simple so don’t overcomplicate things.

We have the ability to create a website and write blogs or make YouTube videos. Sending out content to billions of readers and viewers every day.

We are answering questions and solving problems through these pieces of content.

When you learn to do it right you will be solving problems, and answering questions,  and you will get more than enough traffic.

But that’s the thing if you don’t know how to get the content out correctly you won’t get traffic.

It is just as simple as that, so don’t get caught up in analyzing SEO.

Firstly you need to learn enough to be confident in what you are doing.

What I want for you is to be able to create content that crushes it!

The secret is in the quality of the content you create

If you don’t you are working against Google and YouTube’s algorithms and you will get found out.

So the real key to driving the best free SEO traffic is …

Creating useful content and videos that actually answer questions and solve problems, and give them what they are looking for.

If you add quality content it’s called search intent.

This intent goes together with typing in the exact keyword phrases people are searching for.

Now that you know what they are searching for you can drive free traffic online by creating the best content in the right way.

This is when SEO really starts to work in your favour.

Bingo….free traffic.

To sum it up…

The process is this.

Figure out what they are searching for, the initial intent.

Use keywords for those exact searches and create mind-blowing content that answers the questions and solves the problems.

Then publish the content to the world.

That is it.

The real success comes when you post tens, and then hundreds of pieces of content in the same way.

That’s the real secret to SEO success.

Affiliate marketing works!

“That is why Affiliate marketing makes businesses millions and ordinary folk multi-millionaires”

The key to affiliate marketing is to work hard and be dedicated. The process takes time.

Be decisive, take action, and build your own website.

Then work hard for yourself and give it every chance at success.

To find out more about how to start doing Affiliate Marketing and to get going with this amazing business which absolutely anybody can do, GO HERE NOW

Finally, Let me ask you this…

What do you think Google is looking for when they return search results?

If you guessed any of the following you would be incorrect:




Meta tags


This may seem like a bold statement, but Google doesn’t really care much about any of these at the core of their business. They are using these as ranking metrics has been a side effect of them looking for QUALITY CONTENT.

There is SEO in a nutshell:

Learn how to write quality content – Try it here.

What free methods do you use to bring people to your website?

Leave me a comment below with your answers.

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