What is a Link? (A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Using Links Effectively)

What is a Link? A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Using Links Effectively

When you start learning how to do blogging and affiliate marketing, the link is one of the most important tools you have at your disposal.

How can a link help you and why is it so important to you when it comes to making money online?

In affiliate marketing one of the main ways you can earn money is to promote products, offers, and services for the affiliate programs you are signed up to.

You do this by adding your unique links to the products, offers, and services, and if someone buys through one of your links you get a commission.

That is why learning about the link is so important when building your own blog and website.

So let’s look into how the link works, and find out why one of the common thoughts and questions when it comes to working online is why does the link have so much power?

A link is a way of jumping from one place to another online, easily without your readers even noticing you have done anything.

One of the first things you need to learn if you are jumping onto the internet is its meaning.

The Boring Stuff ( it will be over soon:)

A link is a relationship between two things or situations, especially where one affects the other.

In Computing its meaning is:

  • a code or instruction which connects one part of a program or an element in a list to another. Short for hyperlink.
  • A link is a reference to an electronic document that can be followed by clicking on it. It typically
    points to web pages, images, videos, and other online resources. Links are essential for navigating
    between web pages and help improve the user experience when browsing the internet.

links talk put me to sleep

Now that the boring stuff is over with…

Let’s talk more about how to create links and where to place them.

To learn more cool stuff about affiliate marketing then follow this link and it will take you to my blog “how to start affiliate marketing with zero dollars

You will notice some of the words are highlighted, if you click on them you get taken to another page or place. This is a link.

How To Add A Link?

Look for a link button. It looks something like the image below.

link image

Things to do when you want to add a link?

  • Firstly you highlight the words by dragging your mouse across the words.
  • Next, you click the link button (like the picture above), and in the box that appears you then place your unique link where you want to send your readers and buyers off too.
  • Then press the add button in the box, and like magic, the link will be in place.

This link that you sent will now go to wherever you want to send someone off to, sometimes even with the potential to make you money.

But wait, where do I find the right products or services to send the readers off to, through my links?

We will get to that soon, keep reading…

What Is A URL Link? – (what is a website link)

what is a website link

This is the name for the main link to any website that you type in on Google, Yahoo, or Bing. In fact any search engine, so mine for this website is https://blogabdgrowwealthy.con (my URL)

Now if you want to place a link to go to your website,  this URL is what you would use, and place it in the link box after you have highlighted the words.

This is what a website link is.

How to Create A Link To A Website

  • You first grab the URL website link (like I discussed earlier) and highlight it by dragging your mouse across it.
  • Next copy it by right-clicking on your mouse or keypad and hit the copy button.
  • Then come back to the words to which you want to add a link and highlight them.
  • Press the link button and when the box opens
  • Right-click your mouse and click paste the website URL in the box.
  • You finish by pressing the add button and job done
  • You have a link to a website.

What Is A Link Shortener? – (how to shorten a link)

When you want to add links sometimes you will find they are very long so you need to cut them down or shorten the link.

When someone clicks on that link it looks messy and takes forever to open up.

So a link shortener is a way of making the link neater a smaller.

An example of this would be if my blog was called “how to build a website in under 30 seconds”. I could shorten it to “to build a site”

I personally use a website called bitly.com or a website plugin called pretty links. They both do the same thing and shorten any URL. It only takes a few clicks and is very straightforward.

How to Link to Affiliate Marketing Products

Remember earlier you were wondering where I find the links to send someone off to?

Well, this is the big reveal.

This is done in exactly the same way as adding any other link.

  • Firstly you have to sign up to affiliate programs online.
  • Most are free to join.
  • Then from those affiliate programs that you join, you receive your unique affiliate link to the products you want to promote.
  • This is now the link you will place after you have highlighted the words and pressed the link button.

The Link Is Your Secret Goldmine on your website.

This is one of the most important buttons you can use.

It has the power to open up your Affiliate Marketing world.

It can keep readers on your website for longer by sending them to another blog post or page within your website.

It can link them to any product, service, or offer which you might be promoting, thus giving you the opportunity to make commissions.

If you place enough links and know how to do it right, then this could lead you to a vast amount of loyal readers and a full-time income working online.

But first, you need to learn why, how, and where to place them in the right way, otherwise this is known as spamming, and people have become wise to it and don’t like it.

This will make your link useless and those dreams of working from anywhere will be a no-go from the start.

So here is what I would do if I was wanting to start Affiliate Marketing…

  • I would sign up for wealthy Affiliate, it’s free to start
  • Once you have joined Wealth Affiliate, I would fill out my personal profile page.
  • I would then get my own domain name and start to build my own website, you get one free. It only takes 30 seconds through a few simple clicks.
  • I would then start the wealth affiliate training from lesson one, and do what they say, take action.
  • You will learn to do affiliate marketing the right way, by going through their training from lesson to lesson.

You don’t need to go anywhere else. Wealthy Affiliate has all the tools you need to learn and succeed in Affiliate Marketing.

In a few short months, you will have learned all about links, how, where, and why to place them on your own website.

How cool is that?

It’s how I started and it works because you are here reading this article…right:)

You could do the same as me…I started with zero knowledge of blogging and affiliate marketing.

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“This post may contain affiliate links. This helps my website run smoothly at no extra cost to you. If you would like to know more please read my privacy page”

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